Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT

Jungian Psychotherapy for Individuals & Couples

"Find Your Purpose, Heal Your Pain, Live With Passion"
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Year End 2014 edition: "At The End Of The Year"  

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As 2014 draws to a close, I offer not my usual newsletter, but a single poem: "At The End Of The Year," by John O'Donohue, a simple, lovely, eloquent way to look back, with a hint of what is yet to come.     ~Dan

​"At The End Of The Year"
(John O'Donohue)

As this year draws to its end, 
We give thanks
for the gifts it brought
And how they became inlaid within
Where neither time
nor tide can touch them.
The days when the veil lifted
And the soul could see delight;
When a quiver
caressed the heart
In the sheer exuberance
of being here...
We bless this year
for all we learned,
For all we loved and lost
And for the quiet way
it brought us
Nearer to our invisible destination.

Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT, Psychotherapist. (206) 523-1340. Email: dankeusal@dankeusal.com