Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT

Jungian Psychotherapy for Individuals & Couples

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Dan Keusal, MS, LMFT Psychotherapist. Phone: (206) 523-1340. Email: dankeusal@dankeusal.com
"The Sacred Dark:
Celebrating The Winter Solstice"

With: Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019 
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Seattle 

Isn’t it wisdom to step out into night, and cold,
and let them in, and let them be their own form of grace,
and in doing so, to let our bodies and our souls remember 
our own night and cold, and our own longing for light and warmth?

~from the poem "Ancient Wisdom, Remembered" by Dan Keusal

This evening of reflection, sharing, and ritual will explore how we can embrace winter, and dark, and cold—literally and symbolically—as their own forms of nourishment and grace. We’ll look at the wisdom of remembering how the ancients experienced the winter solstice, and meditate on the relevance of that for our own busy lives in today’s world. After some introductory reflections by the presenter, there will be time for individual writing and reflection; then, in the spirit of creating community, we’ll move toward small and large group sharing, before closing with a quiet, contemplative ritual to honor and celebrate the sacred dark of this winter season. 

DATE: Wednesday, December 18, 2019   
TIME (note change--earlier start time!): 6:30 - 8:30 PM
LOCATION: St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Seattle
111 NE 80th Street, Seattle, WA 98115

Download a flyer for this workshop HERE.

Dan Keusal, MS, LMFT is now in his 27th year as a Jungian psychotherapist and his 22nd year as a professional astrologer in Seattle. He holds a degree in theology from the University of Notre Dame, and is a former parish and campus minister. He is the author of numerous essays exploring the integration of depth psychology, spirituality, astrology, the arts, and everyday life. He has been invited to speak at Microsoft, The C.G. Jung Society of Vancouver, Cascadia College, the Northwest Astrological Conference, and dozens of other businesses, churches, schools, and community & professional groups. His personal passions include baseball, movies, playing the guitar, photography, independent bookstores, and coffee. 

Call or email Dan Keusal: 
(206) 523-1340, dankeusal@dankeusal.com