Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT

Jungian Psychotherapy

"Find Your Purpose, Heal Your Pain, Live With Passion"
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Astrology with Dan Keusal

"All are syllables of the great word
that is very slowly spoken
by the shining of the stars."
~Ursula LeGuin

Hello. I'm Dan Keusal, an astrologer and Jungian psychotherapist based in Seattle WA. I do readings for clients across the United States, and from countries throughout the world, from Brazil, to Canada, to New Zealand, and more.

If you would like to schedule an astrology session, please call me at 206-523-1340 or send me an email.


  • Helps you understand your life purpose.
  • Identifies the next steps you are ready to take in your healing and your growth.
  • Shows you the gifts and tools you've been given to help you with that healing and growth, and how to make the most of them.   
  • Supports you in making wiser, more conscious, more empowering choices.

Astrology addresses questions about key areas of life, including: 

  • How can you create the intimate relationships you long for? Who are your soul mates?
  • How can you find the work you were born to do?
  • Why do you sometimes feel stuck, and how can you move through that and open up your life?
  • How can you access your deepest creativity?
  • What spiritual practices best suit you?
  • How can you deepen your confidence, and create a life that feels meaningful.
When you choose me as your astrologer, you'll benefit from my 26 years of experience as an astrologer, and my training and 31 years of experience as a Jungian psychotherapist, along with my extensive background in spirituality, and the arts (click here for more about my background, and click here to read Steven Forrest quoting me in his excellent recent blog post on "Astrology and Psychotherapy").

I present your reading in an understandable, engaging style that speaks to your heart as well as your head, and that offers you valuable guidance and support that can leave you feeling energized, empowered, and hopeful.  

My astrology session are 2 hours and 15 minutes long, so we have the opportunity to more fully explore your chart and the ways it can help you to live a richer, more meaningful life. All readings include an MP3 recording of the session, and copies of all relevant charts.

What comes first? How do you get started?

Before I can do any astrological work for you, I need your "birth data," which includes the following three pieces of information: 

  • your date of birth (day, month, year) 
  • your place of birth (city, state, county, country)  
  • you exact time of birth, down to the minute. An exact birth time is crucial for doing accurate astrology; an error of even a few minutes can make a notable difference in your chart. The most reliable source for a birth time is a birth certificate; sources like "my mother remembers it as" are not reliable enough (one mother was sure her son was born at 7:13, only to then find the birth certificate and see he was 7 pounds, 13 ounces!). If you need further help finding an accurate birth time, call me at 206-523-1340, or send me an email .

What are the next steps?

  • Choose the type of reading you want. Most clients begin with a birth chart session, then move on to a current cycles session. For details, see below.
  • Choose: live via Zoom video, or "direct-to-recording." I do all "live" astrology sessions remotely, via Zoom video. You also have the choice of my doing a "direct-to-recording reading." For details, see below.
  • Decide how you'll pay--I ask that clients pay me via PayPal, but if you clear it with me in advance, you may mail me a check. For information on my fees, and details about how to pay, see below.
  • Contact me to schedule a session. You can call me at (206) 523-1340 or send me an email. NOTE: just in case...if you contact me one way and don't hear back in a day or two, try the other way!

Types of astrology readings I offer:

There are many different types of astrology, just as there are many different areas of expertise in counseling, the law, medicine, and other professions. In my practice, I focus primarily on two types of astrology readings that help with your personal development: Birth Charts, and Current Cycles Of Growth (transits and progressions). 

Birth Chart Interpretation. A birth chart (also called a "natal" chart) is the starting point for any astrological work. It speaks to the question "Why am I here?" It describes the next steps in your healing and your growth, the psychological and spiritual lessons you are here to learn. It offers suggestions for optimal functioning in key areas like relationships, career, creativity, spirituality, finances, education, and more. It sheds light on the gifts and tools you've been given, and how best to use them. It allows you to glimpse what it might look like when you get off track (astrology's version of those street signs that say "Wrong Way!") and how to get back on track. And it helps you engage your freedom, consciousness, imagination,  creativity, and will to make wiser choices for a more authentic and meaningful life. A birth chart reading is what you're looking for when you find yourself saying "I wish my life had an owner's manual!"

Current Cycles of Growth. Each of us is called to work on different parts of our growth at different times. An analogy: a birth chart reading is like a college handing you a catalog or brochure and saying "Here are all the courses you need to take go graduate." A current cycles reading is like being told "To be on track to graduate in four years, here are the courses you should be taking this coming quarter!" Is this the time for you to focus on relationships? career? creativity? finances? spirituality? A look at your current astrological cycles shows how the potential in your birth chart is meant to unfold over time, revealing the key challenges and opportunities for growth you'll face in the coming year or two, and how to make the most of them. Sometimes, the lessons of these cycles are similar, forming a kind of "theme." At other times, there may be tensions between the ways different parts of you are trying to grow. What are the best ways to engage such tensions, or work with such "themes"? A session focusing on current cycles addresses these types of questions. Most of my clients return for an updated Current Cycles reading every 1-2 years.

Two ways to get a reading: live via Zoom video, or "direct-to-recording":

  • Live Zoom video. I do 99% of my readings live, via Zoom video. A day or so before whatever appointment date we set, I'll send you an email with the Zoom link, charts, and other info. I make an MP3 audio recording of the session for you, including your side of the conversation, and then email you instructions on how to download that file to your computer, phone, or tablet. 
  • Direct-to-recording. I can record the reading directly to an MP3 audio file, as if I were speaking "to" you, but without you participating live and in real time. I then send you an email with a link for you to download the MP3, plus PDFs of your charts. This type of reading is a good option if we find that our schedules simply do not allow for us to be present at the same time (including those clients who live in a different country).  

Fees and payment arrangements:

The fee for each of the types of readings I offer is $385 (US dollars*). This includes 1) my prep time 2) the two hour and 15 minute session 3) copies of all relevant charts and other materials, and 4) an MP3 recording of the session. I ask that clients pay me via PayPal.
*NOTE: for my international clients, i.e. those of you outside the United States--depending on current exchange rates, your fee may be more or less than $385 in your own currency. I ask that clients do NOT pay until the day before or the day of your session.

Below is a bit more information about how I practice astrology:
  • Astrology and freedom
  • Astrology in plain English
  • Astrology and religion

Astrology, freedom, and making better choices

I practice "Evolutionary Astrology," which asserts that your soul is on a journey of growth and discovery, that you are responsible for your own choices, and that no planet or sign pre-ordains a specific fate. Evolutionary Astrology offers valuable guidance, while evoking the power of your own freedom, consciousness, and imagination to shape your path. In the River of Life, it's wise to learn which ways the currents are flowing, and...it's also important to learn how to steer! 

Astrology in plain English

Part of my job as your astrologer is translating "astro-jargon" into plain English, using language that is understandable, vivid, and helpful, rather than confusing you with astrological jargon. Through the use of stories, imagery, and practical examples, I practice astrology in a way that speaks to your heart as well as your head, and addresses both the concerns of your everyday life and the deeper currents of your soul. I create an atmosphere of warmth, safety, and support that helps you successfully navigate the challenges you face, and experience a richer, more fulfilling life.

Astrology and religion.
Many people with a traditional religious background find themselves interested in an astrology reading, but fear that astrology may somehow be in conflict with their beliefs. I hold a degree in Theology and have years of experience as a minister, so I am uniquely qualified to address these concerns in an informed and sensitive manner. Astrology is simply a tool for discerning Spirit's intentions for you, and as such it is compatible with any spiritual path, belief system, or religion. Feel free to ask me more about this.

Dan Keusal, M.S. LMFT. Jungian Psychotherapy & Astrology. 
Phone: (206) 523-1340. To send an email, click here.  

​Painting by C.G. Jung
From The Red Book, 
p. 44